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HIPAA Compliant Software with PHI: In The Cloud vs On-Premise? Many years ago (before Apple's second surge) I would sit around and listen to technology minded individuals have very passionate arguments about which was better: Microsoft, Mac, or Linux. I was always perplexed ... Continue Reading
How Will You Maintain HITRUST Certification? You have achieved HITRUST Certification. Great! But now the real hard part comes: adhering to your new policy. Do not underestimate the importance of this. HITRUST Certification follows a validated assessment every ... Continue Reading
How Long Will HITRUST Certification Take? If the first question when first considering HITRUST Certification is how much will this cost, the second question is how long will it take? It's a valid question. Any project you take on should ... Continue Reading
Security Testing - Security Testing Everywhere I have mentioned before (and will continue to) that HITRUST Certification didn't secure the system itself; rather, it codified and proved out the existing security apparatus. However, one could argue that it made the ... Continue Reading
The Monumentally Important Element for HITRUST Compliance: The IT Policy Document If you are looking to embark on HITRUST Certification, you'll be spending a lot of time on your IT Policy. This is arguably the most important part of the HITRUST Certification (whether it should ... Continue Reading
Vaccine Distribution Plan Proves Why Technology Matters in Healthcare Most of us would probably agree that the roll out of the COVID19 vaccine has been anything but stellar. The large task of developing a vaccine in a lot of ways went smoother ... Continue Reading
13 Pillars of HIPAA When I first started developing HIPAA compliant software I had been developing custom software for 9 years. But I had never had to develop a HIPAA compliant solution. Like a lot things ... Continue Reading



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