ERP Integration

ERP system are synamomous with modern manufacturing companies. But as advanced as they seem to be at getting data into the system, they seem to be conversly painful at getting good, usable, permissionable data out of the system. Whether it's Microsoft Dynamics NAV, SAP, Oracle, Fishbowl, or the like, it seems few CEOs, CFOs, COOs, and CTOs are thrilled with their reporting capabilities. Because of this, few are realizing the big data already available to them becuase they don't think their system produces it. When in fact the system produce the data, it just doesn't report on it very well.
Integrate an easy to use, web-based reporting engine on top of your ERP system for maximum effectiveness of your ERP investment.
Equipment Integration

Chances are if you bought new equipment in the last 10 years it has the capability to provide vital data. But chances are the manufacturer of that equipment didn't help with that and this potential gold mine is going to waste. Integrate your data into the same system that does your reporting. Need parts per minute calculations tied into your Payroll to determine cost per unit? No problem. How about OEE calculated with out any human entry or manipulation? Simple. The possibilities become endless when high-tech manufacturing equipment is tied into a high-tech data processing and reporting software.

It's easy to make snap judgments in business based on bad days. Trend data is one of the most important tools available in running a business because it answers a fundamental question: did we have a bad day or is this a systemic problem. Being able to combine ERP data and Equipment data is certainly helpful, but if it doesn't accurately portray what is really happening in your manufacturing environment, it likely is not helping to address issues correctly.
Permissionable and Drillable Reporting

Any ERP system can produce a static P&L - usually in PDF format. But who has access to it? And how useful is it? P&Ls should not just be month/quarter/year end reports that get printed and put on a CFO or CEO's desk. P&Ls should be accessible in real time to key responsibility center owners.
The problem with this in most ERP systems is that to grant access to one P&L (or one subset of a P&L) you have to grant access to all P&L data. Obviously, giving this kind of access to everyone is usually undesirable. So companies settle for only a select few having access and miss out on the great tool available. End the settling and given access with permissionable P&Ls. Team members only have access to their responsibility centers and departments.
But don't stop there. Instead of just seeing a rolled up number, every GL line can be clicked into to see what makes up that number. Freight $100,000 higher than last month? Don't go thumbing through invoices or calling up accounting to determine why? Responsibility center or department owners can just click on the amount and see all the invoice detail.
P&L's are just one example. Imagine how your company could be ran if everyone had access to the data they needed in all reports, and it was always drillable to find the source of the reported information.
Contact us today to start bringing big data to your manufacturing environment.
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